Zero Gravity - Friday Nights 19:00 @ Area 51

(See info page for more information)


The great candle picture Walter and ...a candle.

Al, Jon Leela , Moinque and Shelly

From left to right :

Alan, Jonathan,Leela,Monique and Shelley.


Jon dive  

Jonathan in mid air.


Gary and Ash having a deep and meaningful conversation.


Waltim# Walter, Tim and #

almost the same as thr previouse picture don't you think ?


Donn and Aimee The "People  will do strange things for the camera on a Friday night at Zero Gravity but only if you ask them nicely theory " Part I ( be continued)


(Please note that the people in these photo's aren't just a couple of weirdo's hanging out. They actually POSED for these photos.

Gary, # and Walter

Renier and Steve

1/2 of team quickmanuever


A REAL close up of Duane (Duane is one of the people on the profile page at the moment check it out !!!) Duane


Lizle Top: Lizle         Below : Inge, Lizle and Evelyn
Three girls



The "People  will do strange things for the camera on a Friday night at Zero Gravity but only if you ask them nicely theory " part II (continuing)

Patrick(top) and Sizwe.


Paddy Ennis


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